I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

We are open for the season and we couldn't be more excited! We have not sold our business like some may have thought. Our friend, Bronwyn, from Wild Blooms Farm has sold her business and is coming to work part-time for us as our floral and field manager! We are so thrilled that she has joined our team and can't wait to provide tons of beautiful blooms this year.
We currently are closed for the season as we plant and prepare for spring blooms. We will reopen in February with speciality Tulips and hopefully some early Ranunculus and Anemones.
Our Story
We are a mother-daughter run flower farm specializing in growing and specialty cut flowers in the heart of the Central Valley- Oakdale, California. Not only do we grow the flowers but we also offer hand-tied bouquets and design arrangements for special occasions. We are so blessed to live in an area that has such an amazing climate that allows us to grow such a wide range of flowers- zone 9b is awesome!
We often get asked "How did you guys have the idea to start Backroad Blooms?" It's honestly a hard question for us to answer because we don't have a definite answer of how we started. We started by reading books, following flower farmers on instagram, watching videos, joining conferences and seminars, and alot of trial and error! My dad took wind of our idea quickly and created a few small beds next to our house- maybe 2 feet by 35 feet. We slowly just started adding a few plants of everything we wanted to try and grow. This was about mid-May so we were a little late to the game by then for summer flowers. Almost everything had super short stems- nothing ideal for a market bouquet or vase arrangement but we were thrilled. Harvesting the first blooms from the seeds we had carefully sown months before-it was magical and we were hooked. This is what sparked the flame for us growing more flowers and moving to the property to the south of the Oakdale Cheese and Specialty Factory.
check out the latest on our blog

Heat Loving Flowers
Sunflowers, Zinnias, Celosia and more! Giving an extensive rundown on all our favorite heat loving flowers, that grow well in zone 9b .

How to Grow great Dahlias
Dahlias come in so many shapes, sizes and colors but once you know how to grow one variety you can grow them all.

Hidden Gems of Springtime
Anemones have definitely earned their keep on the farm because they are true workhorses, pumping out blooms from January through March!

What is a Flower Farm?
Ever curious what a flower farm even is? Get a little behind the scenes look at what we do!

Our Story
Check out how Mother- daughter duo Lisa McPhee and Alyssa Escobar started Backroad Blooms!