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I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:5

Policies and Procedures
We love sharing the beauty and joy of the flower farm with others! Seeing all the photography sessions take place at the farm truly warms our hearts. It's so refreshing to see the field filled with smiling facing, its easy for us to get caught up in all the "work" that the flower farm is so thank you for giving us a new perspective. Please review the following policies and procedures below before your photography session.
Photography session fee is $50 per hour for regular senior, family, lifestyle portraits. Mini sessions are $100 per hour.
How to book a session?
Photographers are asked to call or text 209-602-8006 to secure your date. We only schedule one photographer per day because we like to give the photographer the flexibility to choose whatever time slot throughout the day and allows for flexibility with the changing daylight hours. Once your date is approved, to hold your spot on the calendar you must pay in full via Venmo. This fee is non-refundable.
* We cannot control Mother Nature. We are a working flower farm, we cannot guarantee what specific flowers will be in bloom at any given time. We are constantly ripping out old, unsellable flowers to continue to produce new flowers for the coming months.
* Please park in the front gravel lot and walk back to the flower field. This keep cars from entering our flower field and potentially hitting irrigation lines.
* Please do not leave any trash in our field or parking lot.
* Our bathroom is not available to the public or available to use during photo sessions.
* While we love our furry friends, we kindly ask that you do not bring your dogs, cats, horses etc to the flower field.
* No smoking, drinking alcohol, or littering in our field.
* The bees love our flowers! If you are allergic please bring your Epipen just in case you get stung. Remember you are in their habitat so please just be aware of them.
* Please be respectful and stay in the flower rows, do not cross paths or jump over rows.
* Please be careful where you step while we try to keep the rows even and easy to walk through there are the occasional dip and divot.
* Please be mindful of where the irrigation drip tape is, it is easy to get it caught under your foot and trip!
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